Nice and sturdy but heavy to take off and put on.
I made a few changes to the rack. One was that I change out the bolt that the rack pivots on from a grade 2 stainless steel 3/8" bolt to a 1/2" grade 8 case harden steel bolt. I just thought the 3/8" bolt was too soft. I also added a 1/8" washer to the rear wheels support to give me 32 1/4" space for my Trike. When putting my trike on the rack I found that was not necessary the 32" was fine but if you need that little extra that will do the trick. My trike fits perfectly, and I like the product very much. This rack gets a five star review.
Love the bike, rides fantastic. Purchasing this bike from All Around E-Bikes turned out to be one of the best purchases I’ve ever made on line. The description of the bike was spot on, FAST delivery, and the customer service could not have been better. I would recommend All Around for all your cycling needs
Thanks so much you for leaving such a positive review! We are thrilled to hear that you are enjoying your Micargi 26' Mustang GT Retro Cruiser Stretch. It's a beauty! Best wishes.
To Short by 6" for the Gobike Forte with rear seat. I had to make adjustment to make it work for me.
I own a Maxfoot MF-30 Fat tire Rear Motor Trike.
The front wheel, length and rear wheels fit fine with no problems but the derailer bottom hit one of the frame support brackets.
I moved the bracket 2” towards the outside frame and welded it.
It worked fine and is still structurally sound.
The only other thing that I did was use 2 support straps attached to the bed of my truck to reduce the amount of wobble during transport.