The Joys of Riding an E-Bike for Fitness and Health

Most people think that riding an e-bike to get around is cheating. It’s not really cycling and has little benefit to health and fitness. Well, if you’re one of these people then we’re here to tell you that you are mistaken.

The E-Bike Popularity Explosion

E-bikes are beginning to, if you pardon the pun, really gain traction among bike riders, and it’s easy to see why. They not only get people out in the fresh air with little to no real impact on the environment, but they also remove the barriers we put up that prevent us from cycling in the first place. No more worries about being out of shape or struggling to get up those steep hills. E-bikes takes the strain but not necessarily the effort out of riding a bike.

E-bikes Still Provide a Decent Work Out

You may feel that the sentiments in that last sentence are at odds with each other. How can you take the strain out of cycling but not the effort? Well, while there’s no doubt that e-bikes assist with pedaling, especially on hills, the common misconception that they work like a scooter or moped simply isn't true. The small electric motor in e-bikes help boost your own pedaling power, not replace it entirely. As such pedaling still takes effort and still provides a benefit to health and fitness. Studies have shown that e-bikes make people more likely to cycle in the first place and that e-bike riders put in just as much effort as regular cyclists. The motor just allows them to go faster.

Other Benefits of Riding an E-bike

A lot of people consider cycling to be an exercise and nothing more. This is where the misconception that riding an e-bike is cheating comes from. They are wrong. Riding any type of bike isn’t just about physical exertion. It’s about getting out of a stuffy room or a cramped car. It’s about being kind to the environment while having fun, and yes, getting a bit of exercise at the same time.

On top of this, e-bikes are great for commuting to work. No more getting into the office covered in sweat after riding up a really steep hill.

The Final Word…

All in all, e-bikes are a great way to get around. They take the stress out of cycling whilst keeping all of the fun aspects and health benefits.